Thursday, August 16, 2012

Less than 10 days

and I've barely started packing.

But I'm more excited for this than I could have ever expected. I know it's hard to believe not being excited to study abroad, and I would never say I wasn't excited, but there were worries and anticipations. Which I'm sure everyone feels, because hauling off to a foreign country is not something one does everyday and it's certainly not for everyone. I wasn't nervous per se, but naturally there was trepidation. However, as of recently, I've just been hit with this wave of excitement. I am practically single-minded in my pursuit of August 21st and the moment I get on that plane. There is now not one ounce of apprehension; only pure, unadulterated exhilaration.

Tonight, I got together with my family to have a kind of sending off dinner. And my family, true to form, talked about pretty much everything except me and my oncoming adventure. My mom picked out everything we were ordering without consulting me, and my uncle would not stop the political discussion which only baited my grandfather. But in a way, that was more comforting. When the family gets together, it's not about me. So it's nice to know that even when my venture is finally upon us, everyone is the same. My whole life is about to change, but they won't. Hopefully.

Be humble for you are made of earth, be noble for you are made of stars                     - Serbian proverb

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