Thursday, May 31, 2012

T-minus 85 days

...which seems ridiculously far off. Yet, I have so much still to do, it feels like it's creeping up on me.

So, eighty five days until what, exactly? I thought you'd never ask. There are officially 85 days until I arrive in the great and beautiful city of Roma to start the biggest adventure since Luke Skywalker discovered Leia's message to Obi Wan Kenobi in the hard drive of R2-D2. (Don't expect references like that to ever slow up.) I'm spending my third year of college away from my distinguished (and very, very safe) university; instead, flitting off to Italy to, quite literally, do as the Romans do.

I remember back in January when I was applying to the program and just beginning to gather all my information. Renewing my passport, writing application and scholarship essays, filling out housing forms (because apparently, they think I have some serious preference when it comes to living in Italy. Ha. You could put me in a wet box with a stray cat in the middle of Europe and I'd find a way to work it out). Now I'm applying for a visa and just today I was emailed the course catalog. It's like everyday I am more aware that this is really happening, I am really going.

Strange things are afoot at the Circle K...

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